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Dr. Luca Piovano
Plastic Surgeon
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the 1st University of Rome La Sapienza.
Specialized in Plastic Surgery at the 1st University of Rome La Sapienza.
Prof. Luca Piovano has attended some of the most prestigious plastic surgery centers in the world. Recognized internationally as an authority on Microinvasive and Regenerative techniques, he is well known for his clinical research on consolidated and innovative technologies in Surgical-Aesthetic treatments, teaching, and providing continuous professional training internationally.
In 1988 he won the “Culture Award” awarded by the Italian Government.
He is currently Adjunct Professor of Plastic Surgery at the Universities of Camerino and Turin teaching Aesthetic Medicine.
Prof. Luca Piovano works as a freelancer at UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital and he is also Director of the Institute of Plastic-Aesthetic Medicine – Rome and Consultant at SMOM Magistral Palace.
Prof. Luca Piovano is currently “Active Member” of Prestigious Scientific Societies: “Italian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery”, “International Society Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery”, “European Society Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery”, “European Association of Societies of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery”, “International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery”, “Italian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery” and the “American Society of Plastic Surgery”.
Dr. Eleonora Iachini
Aesthetic Medicine and Gynecology Specialist
Dr. Eleonora Iachini is a Surgeon, specialized in Aesthetic Medicine and in Gynecology and Obstetrics.
She graduated cum laude in Medicine and Surgery in 2011 from the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University of Milan. Also at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University of Milan, in 2018, she specialized in Gynecology and Obstetrics.
She enriched his educational path, at the Luiss in Rome, in 2012, obtaining the Master in Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Administration, and in 2016 the Master in Medicine Aesthetics at the Academy School of Practical Aesthetic Medicine in Pioltello, Milan.
She participates in numerous training, refresher courses and conferences both as a speaker and as an auditor. She currently works both at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Operational Unit and practices in his private medical practice in various renowned centers, dealing with both Gynecology and Obstetrics and Aesthetic Medicine.
Dr. Eleonora Iachini has gained great experience in the practice of numerous Aesthetic Medicine treatments, and has also expanded her knowledge in the application of Aesthetic Medicine in the Gynecological field, in particular the use of Hyaluronic Acid.
Dr. Michael Alfertshofer
Facial Anatomy Researcher
Dr. Michael Alfertshofer is a German physician based in Munich, specializing in Oromaxillofacial Surgery. His research primarily focuses on facial anatomy, minimally invasive aesthetic treatments, and reconstructive surgery. He has authored over 100 publications and contributed several chapters to medical textbooks in his field. Additionally, he has presented his work at international conferences and conducted numerous workshops and courses on facial anatomy.
Dr. Giorgio Astolfi
Aesthetic Doctor
Dr. Giorgio Astolfi graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1981 from the University of Milan.
He continued his training by specializing in Internal Medicine at the University of Parma in 1986.
Subsequently he trained in the field of Aesthetic Medicine, participating in numerous refresher and specialization courses in Aesthetic Medicine, Aesthetic Surgery and Laser Therapy.
In 1992 he was co-founder of the Polyspecialist Medical Center (CMO) in Milan, while in 2004 he was co-founder of the Dermatological and Aesthetic Medical Center (CDM), also located in Milan.
Dr. Astolfi participates as a speaker and co-rapporteur in numerous conferences and workshops in Italy and abroad and teaches basic and advanced courses in Filler injection techniques, botulinum toxin and biorevitalization.He collaborates with Merz Pharma Italia as a Field Clinical Specialist (FCS), also teaching theoretical-practical courses and training aimed at Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists and Aesthetic Doctors.
15.15 – 16.00
FILLMED session: innovative techniques with NCTF®
Shino Bay Aguilera, Gabriela Casabona, Pegah Dehdari, Ferial Fanian, Hassan Galadari, Parsa Mahdavinia, Valérie Philippon, Alessio Redaelli, Wolfgang Redka-Swoboda.
Dr. Francesco Leva
Aesthetic Doctor
The bright academic path of Dr. Francesco Leva, graduated with honours, starts at the University of Pavia, where he is resident in Internal Medicine, Metabolic Diseases and Endocrinology, managing endocrine senescence and imperfections due to hormonal alterations afterwards.
He deepens his expertise on aging results pursuing a master at the ASPEM- Academy School of Practical Aesthetic Medicine. His passion about this field leads him to complete his surgical training path at the University of Milan where he pursues the Master in Aesthetic Surgery with Prof. Klinger, with a thesis discussion on breast congenital malformations treatment. His academic journey continues in the Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery area.
To sharpen his surgical techniques, he studied in foreign schools, as well as cadaver-based surgical dissection anatomy courses at the University of Bordeaux. He is currently head of a surgical team that operates in the reconstructive, plastic and aesthetic area. He is the creator of the 3Phasic System, a worldwide patented system for threadless biostimulation.
He is also CEO of LevaMedicaEstetica, as well as director and scientific coordinator of the AIMS master in Regenerative Aesthetic Medicine. Teacher at the 4-year of Regenerative and Aesthetic Medicine IAPEM School. Professor at the University of Foggia.
At the moment, he is often invited as a speaker to many national and international congresses, he teaches aesthetic medical and surgical techniques in Italy and abroad, and he is part of the International Society of Surgical Anatomy (SIACH) board. He has been Opinion Leader of Vivacy MC4 and Lovecosmedical and he is the author of many scientific papers in internal medicine, endocrinological and aesthetic surgical fields on impact factor journals, especially about metabolic diseases, cellulitis and localized adiposity.
He performs private practice in Italy and abroad, and thanks to his endocrinological and aesthetic surgical background, he can provide full treatments to patients with specific diagnosis for different kinds of problematics.
Dr. Christopher Rowland Payne
Christopher Rowland Payne is Consultant Dermatologist to The London Clinic.
He trained in London at St Bartholomew’s, St Thomas’s & Westminster Hospitals and in Edinburgh at the Royal Infirmary. Later, he was Professeur Universitaire at the Université de Paris-Créteil and Honorary Consultant Dermatologist to the Royal Marsden Hospital, London & Sutton.
He was Founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology and President & Secretary-General of the European Society for Cosmetic & Aesthetic Dermatology. He has published and presented papers on all aspects of dermatology, including skin cancer surgery, cosmetic dermatology & psychodermatology.
He is co-author of the major international multiauthor textbook, “Cosmetic Medicine & Surgery”, and is chairman of the European Academy of DermatoVenerology’s cosmetic dermatology task force.
In 2017, he was awarded the Royal Society of Medicine’s Stevens Medal for his lecture, ‘Skin cancer and sun addiction’.
He is currently in full time private clinical practice and is also Professor of Dermatology at the Ludes Lugano University Campus of Malta & Professor of Academic Cosmetic Dermatology at the Universita Roma-Marconi.
Dr. Frederic Braccini
ENT & Facial Plastic Surgeon
He practices in Nice, France (“L’Artistique”, Medical Healthcare, http://www.ca-medical.fr).
He graduated at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Marseille (Senior intern, hospital assistant and clinical head physician).
He was Teacher anatomy instructor at the Marseille University faculty.
Associate surgeon to the American Hospital of Paris (2009-2011), he works in private activity in Nice since 2001.
President of the Medical Establishment Commission (French CME) of the Saint-François clinic in Nice (2012-2022).
Affiliated to the French Medical Council since 1998. Affiliated to the general medical council (UK) in 2014 and Switzerland Medical Council since 2015.
He is an international expert in surgery and medicine aesthetic fields, and one of the most well-known ENT& FPS doctors (with nearly 35000 searches on google per one month – source Google Business January 2020).
Numerous Teaching French Inter University diplomas (Paris, Nice, Lyon, …).
Numerous private teaching courses in Europe. He performs a lot of conferences all over the world (USA: Boston Harvard University, New York; India: New Delhi; EAU: Dubai; South Africa: Cap town; North Africa: Marrakech, Casablanca; Europe: France, Monaco; Italy, Bergamo, Milano, Napoli, Roma, Bologna; Spain, Barcelona, Sitges, Madrid…; Portugal: Lisboa, Porto; Poland: Varsovie; Russia: Moscow, Saint Petersburg; Switzerland: Geneva, UK: Coventry, Warwick …
Co-Founder and Past-President of the Advanced Medical and Surgical Aesthetic Society (SAMCEP), Secretary for the French Society of Facial Plastic Surgery (SFCPEF), he is also member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery and, the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe. Since 2014, he joins the American Society of Plastic surgeons.
He organized a lot of congress and published many scientific studies and books on facial plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine.
He is one of the pioneer in the world for the Medical Rhinoplasty, with the first publication and the reference book in this field. He is the founder also of the “less is more and the medical strobing” concepts in aesthetic medicine.
Key opinion leader for several companies and scientific committees.
Member of the main board and the scientific organization for the “Awards de l’esthétique médicale”.
He was the scientific co-founder of Face2face congress, and the current the scientific coordinator for Anti-aging Monaco World Congress, Aesthetic Multispecialty Society, Face Aesthetics Masterclass, Nice Rhinoplasty course, ORL Corsica, Esthetique Corsica and Botulinum Toxin Summit.
Dr. Ferial Fanian
Dr. Ferial Fanian MD PhD is dermatologist and expert in Aesthetic Dematology and Skin biometrology especially the cutaneous imaging techniques (confocal microscopy, OCT and high frequency ultrasound). She is the Board member of the Imaging group of the French Society of Dermatology since 2015.
She holds a Ph.D. in life and health science from the University of Franche Comté in France in 2016 where she worked for more than 5 years on primary human melanocytes.
She is the co-editor of the textbook of skin biometrology, «Agache’s Measuring the Skin», published on 2017 in the major reference category of Springer. She has been a researcher in this field for more than 20 years (RG index 24.13), including 7 years as a Scientific Expert and Coordinator at the Centre for studies and Research on Integument (CERT) at the Departement of Dermatology at university hospital of Besançon, France. She is also author of several chapters in different dermatologic book such as Atlas of Dermatology, Dermatopathology and Venereology and Gender Dermatology, etc.
Thanks to her outstanding experience in aesthetic injections and Laser application in Dermatology, she
is currently the Scientific Director of FILLMED Laboratories in France. She is also the trainer and speaker at several international congresses and events and also academic trainer at University Diploma Curriculum (DIU) in «Cosmetic Dermatology, Dermatological Laser and Cosmetology» since 2012 in France.
She is reviewer for several English and French scientific journals such as JCD, JEADV, Archives of Dermatology, Skin and Research Technology, Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, Case Reports in Dermatologicals, Therapeutic Realities in Dermato-Venerology, etc.
Dr. Elina Theodorakopoulou
Dr. Massimo Vitale
Aesthetic Doctor
Dr. Giovanni Salti
Aesthetic Doctor
Dr Giovanni Salti is a well known and respected specialist in the aesthetic field. He graduated with honors in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Florence, got his residency and board certification in General Surgery at Bologna University, and Master Certifications in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery at Padua University and Aesthetic Medicine at Rome University.
He is in private practice as plastic surgeon in Florence specializing in fat surgery and regenerative fat therapy. He is an expert in the field of nonsurgical cosmetic procedures, like fillers, toxins, lipolysis, lasers, chemical peels, suture suspension lifts.He is full member of the italian association of aesthetic plastic surgery (AICPE), full member of the italian society of plastic surgery (SICPRE), corresponding fellow of the american society of dermatologic surgery (ASDS), full member of the italian society of aesthetic medicine (SIME), current President of the Italian association aesthetic botulinum therapy (AITEB) and past president of the italian federation of aesthetic medicine (FIME).Dr Salti held positions of Lecturer in Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery at the University of Pavia, Florence and Rome. He has been invited to lecture in international scientific congresses and meetings over the last 25 years in the areas of soft tissue fillers, botulinum toxin, cellulite, lasers and minimally invasive surgery. He authored several papers and book chapters published in the peer reviewed literature. He has been involved in basic and advanced injection techniques courses in Europe, Middle East, Asia, America and Australia. He has been leading and tutoring anatomy courses and anatomical dissections for minimally invasive techniques both in Europe and Asia.He is married and father of two kids.
Dr Liliana Sytnyk
Dr Liliana Sytnyk became a dermatologist in 2005 and is currently a consultant in private practice in Kiev and London where she practices all aspects of cosmetic dermatology. Her holistic approach encompasses a special interest in nutrition and functional medicine. She is a member of the European Consensus Group on Threads and a member of the Cosmetic Dermatology Task Force of the EADV. She is renowned for using effective combination therapies to improve skin quality.
Dr. Alberto Diaspro
Maxillofacial Surgeon
Dr. Alberto Diaspro obtained his degree in Medicine and his specialization in Maxillofacial Surgery from the University of Turin. He earned a Master’s degree in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery of the facial district at the University of Tor Vergata in Rome, as well as an International University Master’s in Aesthetic Medicine and Aesthetic Therapy from the University of Camerino, after completing diplomas in Aesthetic Medicine and in ‘Laser Therapy and Laser Surgery’ at the postgraduate School of Medicine with an Aesthetic Focus (S.M.I.E.M.-Agorà) in Milan. He is the author, co-author, and reviewer of scientific articles and texts published in international journals. He is actively involved in conferences, teaching, and training at both national and international levels for leading companies in the market. He is a member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (E.A.F.P.S.), the Italian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (A.I.C.P.E.), and the Italian Association of Aesthetic and Functional Surgery of the Face (A.I.C.E.F.F.). He dedicates his professional activity to aesthetic medicine and surgery of the face and serves as a consultant in maxillofacial and facial plasticsurgery.
Dr. Riekie Smit
Aesthetic Doctor
South Africa
MBChB (UOFS). MSc Sports Medicine (Pret) Adv Dip Aesth Med (FPD).
Dr. Smit has a private practice in Pretoria, South Africa, specializing in treating various aesthetic medical conditions. Dr. Smit is the founder and ex-officio president of the Aesthetic and Anti-aging Medicine Society of South Africa and chairperson of the Aesthetic Medicine Congress of South Africa. Dr. Smit is the course developer and current academic coordinator for the officially recognized Advanced Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine in South Africa at the FPD higher education institute. She is also a senior faculty member of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine training doctors in Asia Pacific, Africa, Europe, UK. She is an international trainer and key opinion leader on aesthetic medical subjects and author of medical articles, journals, and scientific publications.
Her field of expertise includes skin rejuvenation, facial injectables (neuromodulators and fillers), thread lifting, chemical peels, mesotherapy, PRP, Lasers and LED.
Dr. Smit is a global KOL for various aesthetic medical and pharmaceutical companies in the industry.
Dr. Marina Landau
Dr. Landau practices both medical and procedural dermatology. She graduated from Medical School in Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel. Her training in dermatology in Tel Aviv Medical Center, was followed by fellowships in dermatopathology in NYU, New, Clinical Pharmacology in Sunnybrook Hospital, and Pediatric Dermatology, in Sick Children Hospital, Toronto, Canada.
She is currently attending physician in the department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Shamir Medical Center, affiliated to Sourasky Medical School in Tel Aviv University, Israely.
Dr. Landau is a founding president of the International Peeling Society, past President of the Israel Society for Dermatologic Surgery, and International Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology (IFAAD).
For the last 25 years Dr. Landau is dedicated to aesthetic dermatology by implementing her knowledge of basic processes in the skin into daily cosmetic practice and scientific research.
Dr. Landau is a well-known international speaker on non-surgical cosmetic procedures, including injectables, peels, lasers and threads, and she is an author of more than 110 scientific articles and a coauthor of chapters of 10 textbooks in dermatology and cosmetic dermatology.
Prof. Alessio Redaelli
Aesthetic Doctor and Vascular Surgeon
Prof. Redaelli is based in in Milan, Italy.
He has published several books in the field of the aesthetic medicine and more than 35 scientifical articles in the field of aesthetic medicine and phlebology.
He is a key opinion leader for Ipsen company and a Contract Professor at the Genoa University for the Master in Aesthetic Medicine, academic year 2022-2023.
He also tutors at Iapem and Aims Italian schools. He is the chairman and scientifical director of the International Congress IPAM.He is active member at the International Academy of Aesthetic Dermatology.
He is a chairman and KOL in most important international congresses in the world.
His field of expertise includes injecting and teaching BoNT-A, fillers, threads, and PLLA.